Boundary: Over 1: Resurgence embarks as the first chapter of the Boundary manga series. Boundary is an Indian comic book series inspired by Japanese art style and falling into the genre of sport cricket. It follows the story of a young boy, Ishaan, who has lost that connection with the Indian team and cricket after a heart breaking event.
Plot: In a country where cricket is like a religion and people have strong feelings about it, Ishaan has lost that connection after a heart breaking event. Now, with the Cricket World Cup happening in India, everyone is excited as India plays in the semi-finals, hoping to reach the finals. What’s next for them and Ishaan?
Total Pages: 64
Genre: Sport
Demographic: Shounen
Language: English
Size: 5.2 × 7.96 (in Inches)
• Written by – Manush
• Illustration by – Neeraj
• Letters by – Ankit Mishra
• Editor – Mohammad Shahbaz
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